If you are seriously considering filing for bankruptcy, you might be wondering if you can do it on your own. It’s just filling out some forms, right? Filing for bankruptcy without an attorney can actually end up being far more troublesome than expected though. That’s why you should at least meet with a Montgomery County Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyer before you take any actions on your own.

Is It Difficult to File For Bankruptcy Without an Attorney?

Bankruptcy is a paperwork-intensive process. There are forms to fill out and any mistakes can cause you all types of financial and legal headaches. It’s especially difficult to manage a Chapter 13 bankruptcy without an attorney because there are creditors to worry about and crafting an acceptable payment plan is nearly impossible on your own.

There is just no upside to filing without an attorney. Working with someone who has experience with this process is just going to be so much easier and less stressful.

What Issues Can Come Up When I File Without an Attorney?

When you file for bankruptcy without an attorney you can end up making errors or forgetting to include important information or documents. A lawyer can help you properly prepare and avoid potential hazards like:

The loss of valuable assets: Contrary to popular belief, you do not have to sell off every asset in bankruptcy. Many types of assets are subject to exemptions, but a solo filer may not know how to make the most of them. A lawyer can help you use exemptions and protect your remaining assets.

Creditor challenges: A creditor can object to your debt repayment plan. When you have a lawyer, you don’t have to worry about that. Your representation will address the problem for you and do their best to keep the process running smoothly.

Unlisted debts: You do not want to omit any debts when you file for bankruptcy. If you fail to account for a debt during this process, there is no way for it to get discharged.

This is a complex process, but a lawyer can tell you how to make the most of it. If you do not want to worry about your case being prematurely dismissed or surprise debts once your bankruptcy has been completed, hiring a bankruptcy lawyer is a must.

Do I Always Need a Lawyer For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?

There is one situation where filing without an attorney may be possible. If you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy and you do not have any “priority debts,” taking care of your bankruptcy on your own may be possible. Priority debts would be debts that aren’t going to be discharged during this process, like owed child support or alimony.

As long as you have not been accused of fraud and there are no other complications, you may be able to handle this type of simpler bankruptcy on your own. We still don’t recommend it though.

Meet With Our Legal Team

So if you’re still considering filing for bankruptcy, contact Mudrick & Zucker to schedule a consultation. We are ready to assist you and answer any questions you may have about this legal process.