You might think that it’s just words, but if someone accuses you of making a threat you can actually land in some serious legal trouble. If someone says that you threatened them and they get the authorities involved, you need to be ready to defend yourself. That’s why you should contact a Blue Bell criminal defense lawyer from our firm as soon as there is any indication that charges may be filed against you.

When Does the Criminal Justice System Treat a Threat Seriously?

You could face criminal charges any time you make a threat against a person by phone, in person, or through any electronic means of communication. What kind of charges you face can depend on how the threat was made and who was potentially endangered by it.

You could be charged with making terroristic threats. This can be charged as a misdemeanor in the first degree, but it can easily be increased to a felony. You could end up looking at a prison sentence of five to seven years and punishments are particularly harsh if you force a building or another place of assembly to evacuate.

If your alleged threats are targeted at an individual, harassment charges could be on the table. Those convicted of this crime could spend a year in prison and pay a fine of up to $2,500.

Can I Be Charged With Making a Threat Even If I Had No Plans to Follow Through?

One thing that you should know is that it does not actually matter whether you can carry out the threat you made. You can still be arrested if there was no plan to follow through or even if there was no way you could make good on any threat.

An example of this would be if someone said that they were going to bomb a government building. They get arrested, but it turns out they don’t actually have any bomb components or the knowledge and ability needed to build an explosive device. They can still be charged with a crime because they caused harm to others and disrupted the normal operations of a facility.

Can This Kind of Conviction Stay With Me For Life?

These convictions can leave you with a criminal record that cannot be expunged. Anyone who does the research will be able to find out about your past crimes. This could make it more difficult to:

  • Get a job
  • Secure housing
  • Buy and carry a firearm

Don’t let this kind of charge follow you around for life.

Schedule a Case Consultation

So if you are facing charges because someone has accused you of making a threat, you need to take those charges seriously. Contact Mudrick & Zucker to schedule a consultation and learn more about what our defense attorneys can do to help you.